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A Google calendar is embedded into the website. If you are familiar with using Google calendar you are good to go. You need not interact with the website. You would be the point person for receiving items from members to add to the calendar, normally about a half dozen a month.



The Informed Progressive Speaker Series provides monthly programs on a wide range of topics of interest to progressives.  Meetings are scheduled to resume in 2022. Requirements: A thirst for knowledge and a feel for topics that would interest this group are a must. Organizers contact potential speakers, set schedules and stay in touch with speakers to enable and insure their effective presence at the meetings. This includes creating publicity. Currently, knowledge of ZOOM is desirable as all meetings are virtual.  Once in-person meetings are possible, organizers procure a meeting space, open, set up and close that space, insuring safety, security and a welcoming environment. As a follow-up, organizers obtain or write a short summary and submit to include in the PAHC monthly Newsletter. 


An informal volunteer group of approximately 10 Progressive Alliance volunteers willing to chair and/or serve on special interest committees, review and periodically update Mission and Vision statements, meet monthly in person or on Zoom (or as needed), to manage and maintain the PAHC website, private Facebook page, social media outreach and coordinate education and community action efforts.



The Liaison Committee seeks meetings with public officials or their staff to establish an ongoing positive relationship and to have direct discussions about issues of concern to PAHC, which may include legislation under current consideration, political positions taken by the PAHC and matters related to achieving respectful representation for all constituents. Interaction is intended to be both frank and respectful.  Meetings will generally not be sought during the six months prior to an election involving an official.  PAHC representatives may include Liaison Committee members, others from Leadership and other PAHC participants who have expressed interest in.  The substance of the meetings is presented at Leadership meetings and written up for the PAHC Newsletter.



MailChimp is our platform to send Newsletters and email blasts and way to maintain our email list for our audience. It takes some training to recognize their symbols and methods. Our subscription is renewed every two years. Requirements: some computer skills, typing skills, ability to change items from PDF to jpeg. Willing to follow up with others for articles and events. Sissy Owen will work with you for needed amount of training.



Newsletter articles are due no later than the 25th of the preceding month.

Requirements: some computer skills, typing skills, ability to change items from PDF to jpeg. Willing to follow up with others for articles and events. Sissy Owen will work with you for needed amount of training.


Take photos at postcard parties, rallies, vigils, special and social events for the Progressive Alliance website and for the media. Generally needed for an hour or less once or twice a month. Ideally, to fit on our website gallery, the pictures should be horizontal and around 600x450. Since they will be on the web, a low resolution is fine but at least 72ppi.



PAHC maintains an inventory of postcards for a variety of key subjects.  New ideas and needs keep the inventory fresh and current. Postcards are taken to Postcard Parties and are also packaged and distributed to individuals to write politicians and businesses or to write Get Out The Vote. Requirements: maintaining an inventory estimate, soliciting ideas for new postcards and getting the designs to the printer, packaging postcard bundles and meeting members in common locations, watching budget, setting up and cleaning up at Postcard Parties and maintaining a good relationship with our host business. 



The purpose of public relations is bringing awareness of our organizational activities and publishing events, rallies, vigils and educational outreach programs to PAHC members and to the public. Presently, this is being done through our media contacts and on our private Facebook events page. When an event is planned, the information is posted to all media contacts, asking them to post/announce via a PSA. Specifics are relayed in an email, including any poster or visuals, one to two weeks prior to the event. Info is also posted under the PAHC Facebook Page under Events, with a reminder a day in advance.   Youth Outreach: The purpose of this effort is to try to engage youth in our community who align with our Mission and Vision and to inform them of PAHC activities. This is a new attempt to reach out and involve younger individuals, including the new Young Democrats of Henderson County, Indivisible Asheville and eventually local colleges. Presently we are just posting our events with them.



PAHC organizes permitted events -rallies and demonstrations- to show our support for a cause or protest, expressing disagreement with political policies. Participation is guided by alignment with our mission and vision statements. Events may be one time or recurring, generally taking place in Hendersonville. Examples include immigration reform, encouraging voting or calling out a representative’s actions. Volunteers may help organize, secure permits and participate. Event preparation and execution may include work with equipment, such as flags, banners, or fliers/petitions; coordination with aligned groups; or helping insure safety and security.



The scribe takes or gathers notes and/or reviews recordings to create a record of PAHC actions when requested, particularly of leadership meetings. The scribe distributes these narratives to PAHC leadership and other invited persons. Chris Berg will work with anyone who is interested.



Planning of special events, fundraisers, anniversaries, occasional after postcard dinners at local, symbiotic locations, coordinating volunteerism opportunities and participating in community events.



Create short lists of potential topics to write legislators, businesses and influencers about our in-person or virtual postcard parties. Writers are needed to create the sheet for a given week, pick topics, and research and write topic summaries. A sheet is typically no more than 2 pages and might contain 4-7 topics, each with a 1-2 paragraph summary and a call to action. Using topics/summaries from other reputable organizations, with proper attribution, is acceptable. Requirements: ability to write clearly and succinctly, knowledge of reputable news sources and a desire to communicate with and inform a large group of progressive thinkers.



Track upcoming candidates at all levels of government. Every year there are either municipal elections or mid-term elections, plus the Presidential cycle. Requirements: gather info as people announce they are running, help determine most viable candidates for each position, and work with them on presentation and knowledge, organize people to send hundreds of Get Out the Vote postcards, reminding citizens to register and vote, and inviting candidates to our events to mingle and meet constituents.



Wix is the platform for our website. It does not require coding knowledge but it can be a bit finicky. The site is normally updated twice a month. You would be assisting in maintaining the site. Requirements: some computer skills, typing skills and attention to detail. Nancy Brown would be available for training.

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